UK EE-Orange-TMobile (Generic)


Mention that in this category we provide unlock codes ONLY for Clean phones.

Supported Brands: Lumia, Samsung, Sony, HTC and others.
Since we can not identify, if phone is clean or blacklisted, you are allowed to place order as Clean and wait for the reply.
You will get refund, if Phone is Blacklisted.

Kini parasysh ne kete kategori ju japim kodet e Zhbllokimit VETEM per telefona te Paster.

Per Markat: Lumia, Samsung, Sony, HTC etj

Ngaqe nuk kemi mundesi te identifikojme nese telefoni eshte i Paster apo ne Blacklist, mund te vendosni porosi si i Paster e te prisni per pergjigjen.

Do ju kthehen parat, nqse telefoni eshte ne Blacklist.


Delivery Time: 2-3 Weeks

Bulk Orders Allowed: No

Submit To Verify Allowed: Yes

Order Cancel Allowed: Yes (in 30 minutes after making order)

Service Type: Server

Order Type: IMEI

Order Processing: Manual