FRANCE SFR (Generic)


Order here NOT iPhone IMEIs, in order to get the unlock codes.

Be sure that phone asks for unlock codes or that you can enter somehow the unlock codes, before you order.

There is no refund, if you can not enter the unlock code or if the code is not accepted.

Porosisni ketu IMEI JO iPhone qe te merreni kodet e Zhbllokimit.

Jini te sigurt qe telefoni kerkon kod zhbllokimi ose keni gjetur si te fisni kodin e Zhbllokimit.

NUK ju KTHEHEN parat, nqse ju nuk keni mundesi te fusni kodin ose telefoni nuk e kerkon kodin,


Delivery Time: 1-2 Days

Bulk Orders Allowed: No

Submit To Verify Allowed: No

Order Cancel Allowed: Yes (in 30 minutes after making order)

Service Type: Server

Order Type: IMEI

Order Processing: Manual